The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162548   Message #3870394
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-Aug-17 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Standard meat Indian restaurants?
Subject: RE: BS: Standard meat Indian restaurants?
I have also made the same case as Dave in a number of carefully-considered posts in this thread. I regard your accusation that I've made no case to be bullying and abusive. Your case appears to be that halal meat should be be labelled as such. You are silent about other aspects of welfare and husbandry, unlike me and Dave who have tried to balance the discussion by bringing in aspects that we may regard as far more importantt than the few seconds surrounding the animal's slaughter. You brag about your expensive organic habit in Holy Joe fashion and profess that this qualifies you to pontificate. Your words. Halal is an Islamic tradition. You have homed in on it as though it's some kind of egregious practice that we simply must be told about, far more significant than all the other welfare issues. To focus obsessively in veiled pejorative terms on an Islamic tradition that is actually fairly innocuous when set alongside the other things that we do to animals is racist. Now that's my case. It is not "no case." It happens be be at odds with yours, and, what's more, it's far more carefully-considered and neutrally-expressed than your single bleat that halal must be labelled.