The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162491   Message #3870507
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Aug-17 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical Abuse of Children
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic Abuse of Children
"Do you have any understanding of the concept of statutes of limitations? "
Yes I have Joe - and I also have an understanding that crimes have been committed, victims lives have been ruined and the perpetrators have never been brought to justice
To support that situation by seeking to hide behind the law is beneath contempt
We are talking about an incredibly wealthy and influential institution here - we know the part they played, we know their refusal to co-operate in contemporary investigations, we know of their refusal to meet up with the obligations put on them by law - and we know they seek to cling on to the power that brought about this brutal period of our history.
I suppose you hold groups like those who sought out justice for the Holocaust in the same contempt
I ask again - where do the victims stand in all this - have they no right to acknowledgement?
You have offered none
Should they forget the crimes committed against them - they won't because they can't - nobody ever could
"Ollaimh's" accusations ring louder and louder each time you post
I ask again, where is the juystice for the victims in all this - is their right to justice any less than that of the perpetrators"
Fair trial - my arse
Jim Carroll