The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30122   Message #387072
Posted By: Little Hawk
31-Jan-01 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Subject: RE: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Midchuck and Greg - What you say about evolution would make perfect sense if evolution applied only to the physical being...

It does not, however.

I can make immense contributions to the human race without having any children, and so can anyone else.

It's far more than a matter of genes or a matter of mere physical survival. Why play a game that one is guaranteed to lose? Because it's "the only game in town"?

Well, it isn't, not by a long shot. Nobody ever truly dies, they just exit this little theatre of earthly experience and they continue evolving in another theatre, and another, and another...

If we were mere machines, we would wear out and die. We're not.

I know you probably don't believe that...but...what if???

I don't plan to stop evolving at the mere wretched span of 70 or so years. What a waste of potential that would be, and what a senseless endeavour as well.

Like the guy said on that other thread (he was joking, but I like it...) "Give me immortality or give me death!" I know which one I choose. "Death" is a doorway into further life, regardless of whether you have children or not, and regardless of whether you have faith or not. You can't bow out of this universe.

Just my opinion, of course...

Whoa! Major thread creep! (Sigh!)

- LH