The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162618   Message #3871170
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Aug-17 - 07:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: The (in)glorious 12th
Subject: RE: BS: The (in)glorious 12th
If I call people who spend a fortune killing a few small birds a day using a method that depends on other men disturbing the birds first "brainless oiks," I suppose someone will come along and call me jealous. 😂 For me, the worst aspect is the fact that these idiots are permitted to close vast areas of upland to people while they're having their "sport." For me, all beaches, river banks and high wild places should be open and free for anyone to roam at will all the year round. In my otherwise misspent twenties I roamed all over the northern Highlands through many summer days and the only trouble I ever encountered was from midges. I did once have shots fired over my head by aggressive grouse shooters in Upper Teesdale, a highly illegal act. Until they fired I didn't even know they were there. There was no concept of asking me nicely.