The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162659   Message #3872634
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-Aug-17 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: Cisco Houston (1918-1961) 99th birthday
Subject: RE: Cisco Houston (1918-1961) 99th birthday
He sure could tell a story when he sang his songs.

The Killer (in DT)

Dobe Bill, he came a-riding from the canyon, in the glow
Of a quiet Sunday morning from the town of Angelo;
Ridin' easy on the pinto that he dearly loved to straddle,
With a six-gun and sombrero that was wider than his saddle
And he's hummin' as he's ridin' of a simple little song
That's a-rumblin' through the cactus as he's gallopin' along:

"Oh, I've rid from San Antony through the mesquite and the sand
l'm a r'arin', flarin' bucko, not afraid to play my hand.
l'm a hootin', shootin'demon and I has my little fun
With my pinto called Apache and Adolphus---that's my gun....

I love the little "ha-ha" he adds in the last line.