The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30189   Message #387271
Posted By: GUEST,surfer passing by in the night
01-Feb-01 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: Bloody Sunday (30 January 1972, Derry)
Subject: RE: Bloody Sunday
It was a war, and it is over, thank G_d we can talk about it openly without fear of arrest.

I personaly love all of the British Isles, no political meaning intended here - since for me Britain is Pritany -

I have an old fashioned view of it, Arthur and so on. I think of it as a place of love and kindness, a place where magic has been and will again return. A place where all the pain and bad feeling can and will go away. A place where Sport is more important than war, a place where our ancestors however much they fought among themselves, created an Empire that covered one third of the Globe. It took all the people of Britain to do this 'including' Ireland.

For those who did this horrid thing, I will say this, their own souls will torment them as long as they live. In fact such a person may well yearn for an end to that kind of pain. Let them stew, dear friend, the hangmans noose would be a welcome guest.

Irish-Scot Scoti Abu!