The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162623   Message #3872783
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Aug-17 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
Subject: RE: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
You can't lie to me, Keith. When will you ever learn. You said:

"Not true. The people have spoken enough times on this. The majority do not want to be ruled from Dublin and would resist it.
You would force them at gun point if you could."

The people, Keith, is what you said. Not a dickie bird about "unionists." When the people of Northern Ireland "speak," they don't need to have qualified as unionists first. You speak carelessly then you deny it. Very Wheatcroftesque of you. I find your approach to be vulgar (it was a silly thing to say anyway) and fraudulent (because you lied).