The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162623   Message #3872923
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
21-Aug-17 - 06:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
Subject: RE: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
Jim, I said the majority was dwindling and in recent months may have gone.
There is still no majority for a United Ireland in either the North or the South.

"In demographic terms, the six counties of Northern Ireland taken as a whole contain a majority of Ulster Protestants[5] who almost all favour continued union with Great Britain."
"Surveys identify a significant number of Catholics who favour the continuation of the union without identifying themselves as Unionists or British.[8]"

"Opinion polls of the Northern Ireland population have consistently shown majorities opposed to a United Ireland and in support of Northern Ireland remaining part of the United Kingdom. For example, in a November 2015 survey RTÉ and the BBC, 30% of the population expressed support for a United Ireland in their lifetime"
"The 2013 annual Northern Ireland Life and Times survey conducted by the Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University found that a united Ireland was the favoured long term option of 15% of the population while remaining part of the United Kingdom was the favoured long term option of 66% of the population.[38] When the same survey was carried out in 2015, support was 22%"

"A 2011 survey by Northern Ireland Life and Times found that 52% of Northern Irish Catholic respondents favoured union with Great Britain over a united Ireland."

"In October 2015 an opinion poll commissioned by RTÉ and the BBC and carried out by Behaviour & Attitudes asked those in the Republic of Ireland" 36% wanted United Ireland.