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Thread #162623   Message #3873330
Posted By: Teribus
23-Aug-17 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
Subject: RE: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
"Anybody who describes a nation's children to be "brainwashed to hate" has made the most hate-filled statement I have ever encountered.
Wanna deny you claimed this/"

Ruth Dudley Edwards certainly did.

Previously I also directed you to the television documentaries made for RTE about the disastrous border campaign fought between December 12, 1956 and February 26, 1962 - a complete and utter farce. The young "volunteers" from the South "brainwashed" into believing that they fighting to "liberate" the North were absolutely astonished to discover the ferocity with which their attempts at "liberation" were rejected by the people from the North. I used the word "brainwashed" above there Carroll because that is what some of the "veterans" claimed in interviews in those documentaries. As these programmes challenge and refute some of your dearly held myths you obviously did not bother watching them.

"yours is in describing the Irish as celebrating mass murder and claiming they never relly wanted independence but were connned into demanding it by foreigners"

It was you who claimed that the Irish Government were "celebrating" the events of the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Week Uprising. I, on the other hand pointed out to you that in all official statements regarding the events the word used was COMMEMORATION - different thing entirely Jom.

Ah so Chief O'Neill never went to the Spanish for assistance in his war against the English? The price by the way was not Irish Independence but that Ireland would be come a colony of Spain and that O'Neill be appointed Viceroy. Oddly enough at the time England was at war with Spain.

Wolf Tone never went to the French to seek assistance in his rebellion at a time when Britain and France were at war?

The seven men who in secret in 1914 decided to mount an armed rebellion in Ireland at some point during the First World War did not send Sir Roger Casement to Germany to seek German assistance in this proposed rebellion?

Odd thing is, Jom, that there is documentary proof that all of the above took place, and the thing that thwarted ever single one of them was the Royal Navy.

Ireland was offered Home Rule in 1914 and again after hostilities in Europe had ended in 1920. The North accepted Home Rule in 1920 it was rejected in the South and a war was started which rapidly stagnated into a stalemate in the summer of 1921. A ceasefire was arranged and negotiations begun. The whole of Ireland was declared as independent in December 1922. Within 24 hours of that happening the Parliament of the North of Ireland exercised it's right to cede from the Irish Free State and rejoin the Union with Great Britain. You Jom, would appear to be a man who only selectively champions the right of self determination of people. A man who believes that people can be bombed and terrorised into a Union they want no part of.

Had the people of Ireland accepted Home Rule and Dominion Status both North and South as was offered in 1920 then Ireland more like as not would have been united and as independent as Canada, Australia and South Africa in 1931. Instead the mugs chose the gun.

"The Bank of England has said that Brexit will effect the incomes of all concerned for the next decade"

Dare say it did Jom - seems rather a good case of stating the fuckin' obvious to me. But you see Jom, Brexit is not just a one sided thing is it? But from the way things are being reported it would appear that it only affects the UK. The EU loses it's second largest net contributor (Effect here is that the others will have to up their subs to make good the shortfall if it wants to continue on a "business as usual" manner) and it loses one of it's best customers (The UK buys more from the EU than the UK sells to the EU).

"The Bung was to support the failing DUP"

Any proof of that Jom? Or is it more of your famous "Made-up-Shit".

As far as I am aware not a penny of that £1bn has been transferred to anybody and not a penny of it has been spent. If you want to state anything different then please prove it.

The link to the Independent article states:

"the agreement boosting health, education and infrastructure spending in Northern Ireland, as well potentially handing Belfast new tax-raising powers"

Sound like a "bung" to any particular party to you Jom? Big Al?

"the full amount of money would only be delivered if Sinn Fein returned to power-sharing in Northern Ireland, breaking a three-month deadlock at Stormont."

Also from your link Jom. Sounds a bit of an odd condition to put on a "bung" to the DUP don'tcha think Carroll Carroll?