The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162623   Message #3874108
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Aug-17 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
Subject: RE: BS: G.B. and N.I.?
My you really are an insecure little flower
Your bulling attempts to talk down people are living examples of little the Britain strutting that plundered the world for cunturies and left behind a legacy of destroyed cultures and impoverish people
Pakistan is at present remembering the million dead that partition brought to that part of the world
"it will be the EU who will dictate the border on the Irish side, not Britain"
It is the Little England, racist nature of Brexit that has brought about a situation of ruined economies and a possibly destroyed peace process.
Blaming Europe for the consequences and above all, the total incompetent way the Prime Minister has handled theses negotiations really is a joke.
Your "guess" as to whether the six counties will remain is on per with the amount of thought that has gone into this whole sorry affair, which has included billionĀ£ bungs to political parties with terrorist connections at a time when the Government screams poverty whenever the health service is mentioned.
Your crowd has degraded Britain - its efforts on negotiation have become a daily running joke and any claims of democracy have become, like Woody Guthrie's soup - "so thin you could read a newspaper through it"
Rule Britannia eh !!!
Jim Carroll