The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162703   Message #3874295
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Aug-17 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Flippin' 'eck, good luck,Texans!
Subject: RE: BS: Flippin' 'eck, good luck,Texans! (debate)
Iains you clearly choose to dismiss science, a foolish stance to take. The evidence is clear, is overwhelming, and for you to ignore it is your choice, but don't bother telling the world the science is wrong, because you're wrong.

Now get your sorry ass out of this thread about Texas and the weather here if you don't have anything worthwhile to contribute.

Over 50 inches of rain makes Harvey the single largest rainfall event ever here. Washington Post story. The Weather Bureau had to invent a couple of new colors of purple to reflect the depth and intensity of this storm.

My part of Texas is drying out after the fringes of the storm soaked us for a couple of days. If we get flash flooding it'll be because we've already had an abnormally wet August, not because of Harvey.

Houston is an example of what happens when public officials ignore experts and refuse to take natural risks seriously. As the country’s fourth-largest city expanded, replacing prairie with impermeable surfaces such as pavement and concrete, the land was rendered less and less capable of absorbing floodwater. Without proper adaptive measures, this made an already flood-prone place more vulnerable. A ProPublica and Texas Tribune investigation found last year that those who have overseen Houston’s flooding issues discounted scientists’ warnings as “anti-development.” In the coming months and years, the city may pay a high price for such shortsightedness."

From here.