The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162724   Message #3875004
Posted By: Teribus
03-Sep-17 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: uk politics
Subject: RE: BS: uk politics
Been over this one as well Jom:

"The UK supplied potentially deadly chemicals THAT COULD HAVE BEEN USED [note: COULD HAVE BEEN does not mean WERE USED] in the chemical attack that killed more than 80 people, human rights groups have claimed.

In the 1980s the UK exported chemicals necessary to make sarin to the Syrian regime, reports The Guardian."

1980s Jom!!! When was this chemical attack Jom? 2012 wasn't it? I take it that you do know biological and chemical agents do have a "shelf life" - Don't quite think it extends to 32 years.

The chemicals sold to Syria between 2004 and 2009 were investigated by the BIS and all were accounted for. The amount supplied matched the items produced by the companies supplied - so none of it was diverted to make sarin used in any attack.

The Russians were supposed to have overseen the collection of chemical and biological weapons in Syria weren't they Jom? How did that pan out?