The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162724   Message #3875194
Posted By: Iains
04-Sep-17 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: uk politics
Subject: RE: BS: uk politics
Jim if you want to state that terrorism is increasing in the world that is a statement that can be accepted, denied, or discussed.
To make the statement" we have alienated young Muslim people by selling their former persecutors arms" is obviously a gross simplification, an exaggeration and simply not true. There are many 2nd and 3rd generation Moslems in the UK-when were they persecuted?
To state "those who went out to fight your friend Assad and came back radicalised" is a bit cart before the horse. It would be easier to accept they were radicalised and then went to Syria otherwise why travel? It is hardlt a tourist destination any more.
Don't know about Assad being a friend- the only time he came visiting I was out in the field so never met the guy.
You are just throwing out unsubstantiated facts to support a feeble argument.

You would be taken far more seriously if you used facts instead of bluster to support your stance on various subjects.

When it comes to insults do you regard yourself as the pot or kettle?