The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162725   Message #3875334
Posted By: leeneia
05-Sep-17 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why build cities in path of hurricanes?
Subject: RE: BS: Why build cities in path of hurricanes?
Let's change the subject.

Yesterday I saw some okra for sale at a farm stand, so I bought it and made my own Midwestern Jambalaya in honor of the Cajun Navy. I call it Midwestern because I don't bother with a roux and I leave out the hot sauce.

If you don't know what the Cajun Navy is, visit YouTube. It will be a new view of Americans.

Oh, and I changed the recipe by waiting to add the lemon until a few minutes before serving. (Zest an entire lemon, remove and discard the pith, slice the flesh thinly and stir flesh and zest into the batch.) The original recipe said to put the lemon in at the beginning, but I find that this cooks it to death.