The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162751   Message #3875643
Posted By: Teribus
07-Sep-17 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: International arms trading
Subject: RE: BS: International arms trading
So as no-one appears to address the point.

The figures used to club the US and the coalition that kicked Iraq out of Kuwait over the use of DU munitions that caused congenital deformities as observed in Basra somehow through shamal after shamal between 1991 and 1997 resulted in little change, then all of a sudden from 1997 onwards the rate of incidence exploded to nine times what it was after Desert Storm - Amazin' innit? Bloody unbelievable more like.

Nobody appears to want to discuss what a ban on the international arms trade would result in for the 190-odd countries in the world - again very strange considering the title of the thread.