The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162706   Message #3877038
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
14-Sep-17 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Stephen Calt's biography of Skip James
Subject: RE: Stephen Calt's biography of Skip James
i don't think he does belittle it. he tries to analyse the nuts and bolts that led to the magic that we all respond to. the pressures upon him in the studio and in the culture of the deep south.

I admit I don't understand enough of music theory to understand what he's saying. I don't know enough about folksong to know whether he's analysing the influences correctly

However I do know some of the songs. I know a lot about being an unsuccessful musician, which is the situation Skip lived most of his life. I know quite a lot about American folk style guitar playing.

I would say Calt in this book has paid the artist the supreme compliment of discussing his music as if it mattered. That's more than most of us get.