The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162798   Message #3877905
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Sep-17 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: What defines the English
Subject: RE: BS: What defines the English
"The practice of "enforced labour" is returning? Where?"
The British authorities have recently carried out a major swoop on suspected cases and has found there to be a serious problem of modern slavery, sex trafficking and domestic slavery being the most common
True to form, the media concentrated only on the criminal behaviour of a tiny handful (a single family) of Travellers and totally ignored the many hundreds of mainly indigenous others
Dell computers being sold to Britain have been found to have been producing using forced labour similar to that of the convicted Travellerss - hands up who has a Dell PC or laptop
British stores a crammed full of goods produced by workers who are dying due to the conditions they are forced to work in - who of you shops in Penneys?
The British unemployment benefit system now operates on a basis of 'take whatever menial task we offer you for whatever pittance that is paid, no matter whether you can support your family on it or not or we'll withdraw your benefit"
Virtual slave labour.
"Owen's experiments all ended in failure"
Of course they did - that's why he is referred to as "Utopian"
Others were more successful despite being imprisoned and deported for their efforts, yet the Right in Britain has gradually torn down what Tolpuddle and the like won and, as far as having a voice in the workplace and a survivable wage is concerned, have regressed the working people to the situation they were in in the first half on the nineteenth century.
Jim Carroll