The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3879467
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Sep-17 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness -2017- Clearing Out the House
My system here works well enough that when a friend comes to town at the last minute the guest room is ready to go. This wasn't always the case. There are a couple of oddball chairs in the guest room and I'm reminded that I've been meaning to take a class on upholstery to redo them, but that's a minor issue. What's really nice is to know that said guest, who is zonked because she didn't sleep well the night before, got a really good night's sleep in there.

Lovely weekend, so many things to do. The new cap for my string trimmer arrived yesterday so that chore can be tackled early in the day while it's cool. I need to clear out some of the grass around the garden - I'm getting a fall crop of tomatoes, if I can see them to pick them.

The declutter activity continues to be to donate or sell things that are culled from the household. I need to make a run to the recycle bin today and should make a loop taking me past the Thrift Store donation station as well. I still have to take out a couple of pair of clogs I never wear; the new shoes are totally comfortable, so that is a welcome exchange of shoe space. I'm thoroughly pleased with the new jeans, and I need to put one of my older pair either in the craft room to use as a source of denim fabric, or donate and let the thrift store recycle or put it in a craft category.

The music collection is in the radar again these days - that is my biggest chore and something I need to get back to. It would certainly free up space also, to finally donate it to a university library.

Have a good weekend, everyone! I hope it has finally cooled to seasonal normal temperatures wherever you are.

P.S. Dove into the closet headfirst, so to speak. Pants and dresses that don't fit are going to the thrift store. Even if I get back to those sizes again, they're not in style or are not something I would wear any more. You look at this stuff forever and don't see it, until you take a close look and wonder why you kept it for so long.