The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92616   Message #3879614
Posted By: Pamela R
01-Oct-17 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: Songs about World War I
Subject: RE: Songs about World War I
A while ago, around USA's Memorial Day in 2015, I gave a lecture/concert of ballads About WWI and what I learned about the Great War through them. I did not have a videographer present, only my iPad propped up side stage, which was unfortunately close to some humming fan. But I recently learned how to edit video and audio, so I was able to overlay my slide visuals and dampen the hum somewhat, to reconstruct most of the show, which is now posted here:

    The War to End War

Before I started the lecture/concert I played gramophone recordings of popular songs of the era (It's a Long Way from Tipperary, Keep the Home Fires Burning, etc.) with a slide show of recruitment posters. But somehow despite the materials being 100 years old, there was some copyright issue preventing me from posting that section of the program on YouTube. The songwriters of the ballads I performed, on the other hand, have all generously consented to my performing and posting their songs for this program. (If any of the songwriters are Mudcatters, thank you again for allowing me to use your work!)

I'm still hoping to perform this program once or twice before the centennial period is out - I've added two additional songs, readings of trench poetry and letters from soldiers. If I get a better video I'll post it and update here.
