The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162870   Message #3879976
Posted By: Mr Red
03-Oct-17 - 05:40 AM
Thread Name: Tech: can amateurs find software to edit recording
Subject: RE: Tech: can amateurs find software to edit recording
Audio editing is a learning curve. Audacity, being free, it is frees up the worries of DIY.
Stitching together various recording instances is no mean feat. I have, on occasions, copied words/beats to substitute extraneous interruptions from unthinking bystanders. From the same take. With mixed success. But from differing takes, a lot harder.
Moving verses around in the same take, - depends on the fluency of the song, if there is accompaniment with some silences or the accompanist is metronomic, you stand a chance. I would look at the minutia of the recording to marry alien inserts. Beware altering the tempo, it may show , it ain't rubato. How much time do you have to spare?

I presume from the OP that the recording already exists. Otherwise you would just record anew until perfect.

If the result is for sale/distribution - er............... best of luck.