The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162910   Message #3880868
Posted By: leeneia
07-Oct-17 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Use of the English language
Subject: RE: BS: Use of the English language
Dictionaries are helpful, but in speech we put words in context.

If my music stand fall apart, I might say it is a cheap piece of junk. Here,the stand is what's cheap.

If I buy a fine guitar for $50, then the guitar was cheap, but it is not a piece of junk. The price, not the guitar, was cheap.
One of the problems of English for learners is that we use simple words to mean many things. Take ""get."

I get this thread - understand it.

I'll get a loaf of bread - obtain it.

To get the flu - be infected

You're gonna get it! - be punished

Get out! - leave

and recently, Get out! has come to mean "I don't believe you."
As for "gotten", if you are not aware that American speech preserves old forms, then you haven't done much reading about the English language.