The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26164   Message #388208
Posted By: Sorcha
02-Feb-01 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here -2
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here -2
Malcolm, I honestly don't know, because the tune I posted is the one given by Child himself in the Appendix to Vol. 5. I am not currently in possession of Vol. 2, where Child's versions of 100 are.

Bronson gives 6 tunes, none of which are the one Child gives......but similar to the Group A, 1. tune. (Titled O Will Ye Marry my Daughter Janet--but no lyrics given)

Bronson also gives 5 lyric variants' If we're going to get into all Child variants and all possible/available tunes, I think we would have to start a whole new DT to handle it.......