The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30160   Message #388251
Posted By: Skeptic
02-Feb-01 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked -- THREE!
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked -- THREE!

An elegant statement of what used to be called civility should be all about. In my (admittedly limited) experience on mudcat, your comments, response and general attitude have been admirable. (Even when you didn't agree with me). Especially when you irritate troll, but that's the cherry of the cake.

You're probably right. Lots of "what ifs" in history. I agree that talking to Hitler wouldn't have done much good. And don't see mav as that way by intent, but maybe as an unwitting (or witting) fellow-traveler of sorts. (can we please avoid "half" jokes here. Surely there's more creativity than that out there?)

But as I recall my history, one element of his rise to power was that the "mainstream" decided he was on the lunatic fringe and would go away. Rather than challenge the nonsense he was feeding people, they ignored him, figuring peole would see through him. At the same time, they didn't seem to be doing a lot to address the problems. Hitler was and people gravitated to his 'solutions'. I've found that a lot of people look at failure or refusal to challenge an idea as proof that the idea has merit. The refusal of most scientists to investigate or comment on alien abductions is offered as "proof" that something's there

And while I don't think us good guys can convince the mavs of the world they are wrong, maybe we can stop, or slow down, their recruiting drive.

A friend here recommended the Oldenburg book. Our library doesn't carry it. Strange as this is Florida. Hope to find it in one of the local book stores.
