The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30306   Message #388391
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Feb-01 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: Thread for music
Subject: Thread for music
You know I love most of the BS threads and I know I don't have to click on them, but there seems to be a preponderance of nonsensical BS threads mucking up the top slots of the forum, SO, at the risk of sounding like an oldtimer, please try to keep this thread for music only and tell us what special songs you've just found or are working on or just heard or whatever, as long as it's to do with music!

Right, then I'll start:

I am learning Jean Ritchie's "One I Love" and hope to be able to play my new dulcimer with it, soon. Have also been singing "Kitty Alone" a lot, as it is simple and beautiful, IMO.

I heard a couple of new ones in Ivan B.'s concert last night, including the cyber-debut of Jeri's beautiful song, "My Mother's Garden", based on a posting of bet's, my sister. Ivan did a superb job of it.

As I've only had my ducli for two days now, I have scads to learn on it, but I've got Go Tell Aunt Rhoady down pretty well.

So what are you working on, etc.?