The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163012   Message #3884448
Posted By: GUEST,PM
25-Oct-17 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: Any one recognise these words? Wassail,
Subject: Any one recognise these words? Wassail,
I have had sight of a sheet of paper, written sometime about 1850, with the words given below. It seems to be related to wassail songs but I can't find these words anywhere.

Can anyone suggest another source or know anyhting similar?

Kind Master and Mrs God Blefs you all hear
By your leave we are come to sing in the new year
The old one is ended and bide us a due
And we are commended to welcome the new

It is better to do so than it is to do worse
To go to the ale house to sware and to curse
There is None will comend us we have nothing to fear
So I hope God will send you a happy New year

We dont sing for monny Nor none we Deserve
We have other employments or else we must sarve
For cold is the season and the bells the do ring
And that is the reason that cause us to sing

There is no better enjoyments can be upon earth
Than friends meet together in good civel mirth
For ringing and singing is every were
I hope God will send you a happy new year

Please your Master and Mrs or els we sing none
Praps we may be wanted when thuse ware gone
But althought by some people disdained may be
Prap there are more uncivel than we

Kind Master and Mrs now we must Depart
I hope God will protect you Asleep and Awake
And all that belongs to you every where
And I hope God will send you A happy new Year

And all that belongs to you everywhere
And now if you please we taste of you bear