The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #457   Message #3884937
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Oct-17 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Baltimore Fire..a 'new' old verse....
Subject: ADD: The Boston Fire (Joe A. Gulick)
I found an additional verse and final chorus at, and I also found sheet music at The following is my transcription of the sheet music.

(Written by Joe A. Gulick, Arranged by T. Van Berg)

It was only in the month of last November,
That we heard the news we ever shall remember,
That the Fire King had cast his burning ember
O'er another fated city in our land.
As the woeful tiding flash'd along the wire,
At the terrible catastrophe so dire,
That Boston, beauteous city, was on fire,
And was sinking 'neath the fiend's relentless hand.

CHORUS (after 1 & 2):
Fire! fire! was heard the cry,
In every breeze that pass'd us by,
And all the world heav'd one great sigh of pity;
Strong men in anguish pray'd
Fervent pray'r to heav'n for aid,
Before the fire in ruins laid
Fair Boston's fated city.

And all thro' the terrible commotion
The winds blew a gale from off the ocean,
Tho' the brave firemen toil'd with all devotion,
To laugh at the efforts yet it seem'd;
And soared with its fiery tongue still higher,
O'er chimney top, steeple and spire,
Till all was one vast wave of fire,
As the light 'round the horizon gleam'd.

But who saves a city in her panic
From the rule of the Fireking so tyrannic;
But the brave-hearted fireman and mechanic,
The best and the noblest in the land,
Far brighter than the soldier's record gory
Are the names of those who live in song and story,
Who restore a city to her former glory,
And build her up, if possible, more grand.

CHORUS (after 3)
For soon will no trace remain
Of all this sea of flame,
For Boston will rise again, remember!
Like Chicago from the ground,
And brave men will be found,
Who will rebuild a fairer town
Before the next November.

Since we lost our wonderful camp location in Santa Rosa just this month, this song brings tears to my eyes. -Joe-