The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163002   Message #3885179
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
27-Oct-17 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: Dodgy Artistic Licence?
Subject: RE: Dodgy Artistic Licence?
Absolutely spot on.. we refused to Americanise the songs we were writing, or how we presented our onstage persona...
We mocked older derivative formulaic local heavy rock bands who were inthrall to America..
We were British teens from a small provincial west country town,
and we were writing about our own direct personal experiences within our own locality...

I was borrowing Topic Trad folk LPs from the library, our band was taking inspiration from George Formby & Jake Thackray and other classic British comic novelty songs..
We easily saw parallels in what we were doing
with our own short sharp absurdist surreal electrified songs about our mates, girlfriends,
and conflicts with pisshead town thugs and coppers who hated all us young hippies & punks..
We were comfortable with being British, without being xenophobic or nationalistic about it..
Those were the years of the Anti N@zi League and Rock against Racism..
Us smart arsed well educated youth versus the forces of resentful boneheaded conservatism...

I've always regarded our particular expression of rebel teen culture from that time as punk/folk in spirit...

How different it was back then, no onstage health & safety, or noise limiters [well ok - the police occasionally], no artistic licences... 🙄 😜