The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30236   Message #388594
Posted By: NightWing
02-Feb-01 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: Practice: blue clicky things
Subject: RE: Practice: blue clicky things
Quick and easy description of how to change the appearance of your text. Before the text you want to change, type the <font ...> tag, after type </font>.

For example, if I type <font color="pink"> before this next bit of text, this bit of text will be pink. Note that THIS text is no longer pink; after the word pink, I typed </font> to end the special tag.

Here's some more:

<font color="red"> will make text bright red. Remember to end them with the </font> tag.
<font size="+1"> will make text a little bit bigger, while <font size="+7"> will make text a WHOLE BUNCH bigger
Likewise, <font size="-5"> will make text a lot smaller (unless I'm mistaken, +7 and -7 is as big and small as you can go)
One I almost never use (but it works) is <font face="arial"> will make the text be a different typeface. (Arial is a "sans serif" typeface; the Times typeface that most of the stuff on the Mudcat uses is a "serif" typeface. You should be able to see the different right here.
And finally, you can combine them quite neatly: <font size="+3" color="green"> will make text a bit bigger and a lovely shade of green

Now, I just have to hope this actually comes out looking the way I intended it to *G*
