The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #333   Message #38868
Posted By: Tim Jaques
21-Sep-98 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Song for the Mira (Allister MacGillivray)^^^
Subject: RE: Song for the Mira
You sticklers for grammar and diction should stay away from blues songs and sea shanties, then. You'll soon run out of red ink.

I am having difficulty understanding why it is wrong to say "I wish I was". I wish I was a Teddy Bear. I wish I was in Kerrickfergus. I wish I was in possession of my Fowler's at this moment.

I understand that the new OED has relaxed the rules of grammar and usage, no doubt to be in keeping with Cool Brittania and young princes in baseball caps. I must get a copy.