The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162903   Message #3886903
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Nov-17 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Catalonia: pros and cons of separation
Subject: RE: BS: Catalonia: pros and cons of separation
Don't pile stupidity on stupidity, please. I made an extremely simple, ON-TOPIC point about the crtiticism of alleged human rights transgressions in Spain being falsely linked to the EU by brexiteers. Those self-same people are either silent on or defensive of the far greater human rights abuses perpetrated against Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories by a regime that is also supposed to be a democracy. That reeks of hypocrisy to me. The point is to do with the treatment of Catalonia, specifically of its politicians, by Madrid. Nothing else. Some clown gratuitously and opportunistically brought up the "antisemitism problem" in the UK Labour Party which has diddly-squat to do with Catalonia. Some other clown chimed in, very boringly predictably with a tirade of insults, and now a third clown, you, is blaming ME for the off-topic sniping. As far as I'm concerned this thread is about Catalonia. If you want to flog the antisemitism dead horse all over again, start a thread and see if you can get any takers. Better still, go and find a leaky roof to fix.