The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162903   Message #3887016
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Nov-17 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Catalonia: pros and cons of separation
Subject: RE: BS: Catalonia: pros and cons of separation
Quite so. Kind of makes it even worse in a way...I wonder whether you'd feel the same if Gib was a lump of land a few miles from Madrid. Or imagine how you'd feel if Spain owned a square mile or three just south of Solihull...

Of course the people of Gib would prefer to stay in the UK. They're Brits, 93% of 'em. Of course the people of the Falklands would prefer to stay in the UK. They're Brits too. Kind of an accidental case of gerrymandering... and just think of the faux-outrage when Russia walked into Crimea, in spite of the fact that the people there overwhelmingly see themselves as Russian. What's sauce for the goose, etc....