The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163082   Message #3887113
Posted By: Donuel
06-Nov-17 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Telepathy. Experience? Explanation?
Subject: RE: BS: Telepathy. Experience? Ex[lanation?
Very good points by Jeri.

What I have not answered is the Experience part of the question.
What we feel feels discrete but could be something else. A veteran may feel on going mixed feelings but it may be a conflict of obligation, regret and guilt. Feelings may not be what they seem but they are none the less important. Knowing beats GI suicide.

That being said the feeling of knowing something you are not told is ubiquitous. Culturally American people hum the twilight zone theme when describing something they feel they should not be able to know.
It seems this phenomena is being accepted more readily but slowly.

Describing the color red to a blind from birth person may be helpful.
Describing a Symphony to the deaf may be helpful but it is not the experience. To describe knowing beyond the norm does not work well.
If it did Tesla would have explained more of how his mind worked.
He seemed bad at that to me.

These guarded stories should be told. Steve and Greg may not have any but you may and that is OK.