The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3887925
Posted By: LilyFestre
10-Nov-17 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness -2017- Clearing Out the House
All this book chatter.....must be something in the air. I have been getting rid of books that Jeremiah has outgrown and frankly, I have a small storage building full of books that I collected while I was teaching. They are all boxed by grade level and I'm ready to let them go. Several of my coworkers have children so I am going to unload it all into the conference room for everyone to go through and take what they want. Any leftovers will go in the lobby for clients or to our local library for their biannual book sale. I also have two 6 foot tall bookcases in one of the downstairs hallways that I am sorting through of my own stuff. There are several reference books there for my profession but also homesteading books which Pete will never part with and my own collection of photography books...some of which I am contemplating parting with. I used to have a darkroom in the house where we previously lived and had thought that one day I would have one in this house as well. It's been almost 20 years and that hasn't happened nor do I think it will happen anytime soon. I still love to work in a darkroom, I don't think that will ever change but I also love digital editing. It's different, to be sure, but I still get great enjoyment from this. So...with that said, I am trying to decide how to get rid of my enlarger. It's too big and bulky to sell and I hate to just give it away but there is a professional camera shop not far from where I work and I've been wondering if they take things on consignment....I imagine they I'm going to look into that this week.
    I've been sick for the last week or maybe week and a half...finally went to the doctor on Wednesday and I have bronchitis. I took Wednesday and Thursday off and today was a paid holiday for our that's 3 days of medications in my body and I am feeling better. I'm not coughing nearly as much and I have my voice again but I get tired out I'm letting my body dictate what gets done and what will wait....sure does give me a lot of time to think though! I did get the kitchen floor scrubbed today but I think that's about all I'm going to do except for maybe revamping our budget a bit.
    I joined a decluttering group on FB of local women. Today's challenge is to take before and after photos of under the bathroom sink....I will do that today too. For me, that area is just's a bit disheveled at the moment as that is an area that Jeremiah tends to (folds and puts towels away) so it won't take long to straighten up. Progress is progress and I'll take it.
    I have been slowly chiseling away at my closet. I have decided to get rid of all the clothes that do not currently fit unless it's something I absolutely love. I have held onto things for years simply because our budget was so screaming tight that I wasn't sure I'd ever have money to buy new clothes for myself. That is no longer the case and when and if I ever need a new size, I rather enjoy shopping for new bye to all the old stuff!

I suppose that's it for now. I'm looking forward to the return of some energy (I have a sneaking suspicion, this bronchitis has been around for longer than I care to admit).

Be well everyone!
