The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30245   Message #388958
Posted By: flattop
02-Feb-01 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: A poem by Spaw???
Subject: RE: BS: A poem by Spaw???
Billy Joe MacAllister didn't jump off of the Tallahatchie Bridge. Prior to buying his Super 2000 Roll-A-Matic, Spaw used to stow Joe Smackers in a large coil on bridges when he whizzed off of them. Billy Joe was walking across the bridge and accidentally stepped into the coiled up Joe Smackers. He was struggling to extricate his foot from Mr. Smackers when Spaw lost his grip. Smackers' excessive weight pulled the coil with Billy Joe still tangled up in it, right over the side of the bridge. After a massive recovery effort involving fire and rescue departments from at least five counties, Joe Smackers was returned to Spaw in almost perfect condition, but poor Billy Joe was never seen or heard from again.