The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6390   Message #3890061
Posted By: Mr Red
24-Nov-17 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: tech: HTML Ampersand Codes
Subject: RE: tech: HTML Ampersand Codes
there is always my page on the subject - just a different presentation. pointers to Katakana/Kanji, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Tamil and various emoji sets etc etc

But I thought we were having a problemo with hash codes - only yesterday I tried posting Cyrillic characters and they failed miserably.

let us see what today brings:
Δ   Θ Σ
𢜑 𢜘 𢜷
🤞 🤦 🤤
ฒ ส ฐ
Ģ ĥ Ĺ

Works on this server today!