The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6390 Message #3890835
Posted By: Mr Red
28-Nov-17 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: tech: HTML Ampersand Codes
Subject: RE: tech: HTML Ampersand Codes
The reason I have a plethora of browsers is to check that my (9 ish) websites do not dis-enfranchise people. I even have 24 languages of FAQ pages to make mister.redinclusive and the first website has a default system that did not rely on JavaScript. It seemed like a good idea at the time, while I self-taught the language. There was one, of this parish, who was quite agitated about not using JavaScript.
For Thai and Chinese fonts I used images of hand-written text. Cyrillic font always seemed to work on various browsers. And for Russian speakers - they would not be using browsers if they could not read the text!