The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142096 Message #3893226
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
10-Dec-17 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Is there an Essex Wassail?
Subject: RE: Is there an Essex Wassail?
ssex Wassail 1 (based on all the Wassails that we could find) You gentlemen of England I’ll have you to draw near For we have come a wassailing for your strong ale and beer Wassail wassail, come listen to our call wassail wassail, a health to one and all God bless the master of the house the misteress also And all the little children that around your table go Wassail….. Likewise your men and maidens your cattle and your store And all that dwell within your gates we wish you ten times more Wassail….. Put your hand into your pocket and draw out your keys Go down unto your cellar and draw what e’er you please Wassail….. Draw us a jug of your fine grog or your ale that is so brown And we will drink a health to you and another to the crown Wassail….. From walking and from talking we are so very dry We trust your good nature that you’ll never us deny Wassail….. This night you’ll never us deny of your strong ale and beer for We’ll come no more a-wassailing until this time next year. Wassail….. -Traditional (Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer’s version) The Essex Wassail 1.Come all Chavs and Chavettes for' tis New Year's Day, Pray weld on your baseball caps- into the the fray, We'll go a binge drinking with language most foul, Like rabid rotweilers to the main streets of Slough.
2. Our life's a widescreen, if yer know warra mean, We all love 'X Factor' and 'Pirates of the Caribbeen'. So to celebrate good taste and with customary grace We'll give you a knucklebutty or a glass in the face.
Chorus Wassail, Wassail, from Essex we hail, We'll drink gnatspiss lager and watch Jeremy Kyle, innit! And like that used condom that floats in the loo, We'll flush out the old year and welcome the new!
3. From the taxis they tumble, those birds of a kind, Call each other "baybs" as they eff and they blind, Some they will pewk up and some may get laid, And some will call each other effin slags and in they'll all wade.
4. Now some will present the most wond'rous of sights, As vast tattooed flab spills from dresses too tight, Though their gobs they are mighty, their braincells are few, As they paint the town red while they turn the air blue
Chorus: Wassail, wassail
5. We're on a hair trigger, blue lights flash everywhere, As we stagger on like lemmings from bar unto bar, In the doorways we'll copulate, upon a broken window pane, So join in our wassail, and get pissed out of your brain
Chorus: Wassail, wassail Add:- So let's spread this ancient Essex custom the whole nation through, Let's flush out the old year and welcome the new! So let's toast the work of Peter Andre and of Posh Spice too, Let's flush out the old year and welcome the new! -traditional mudcat