The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163284   Message #3893761
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
13-Dec-17 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Alabama a turning point?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Alabama a turning point?
I don't care if it's a turning point or not. I'm just glad the asshole lost.

Sure, the media is making "turning point" noise, but they have to have something to talk about beyond the basic fact of Jones won, Moore lost. They must look into their Magic-8-Balls in search of deeper significance. Well, I no longer put any faith in those Magic-8-Balls. They've been wrong about Trump too many times.

Moore narrowly lost because of plausible accusations of pedophilia, not because a majority of voters disagreed with his philosophy. Pro-gun, pro-military, pro-life, pro-Christianity, and anti-everything-else still rules the roost in Dixie.

Have a good few years in office, Senator Jones, but don't buy a house in D.C. unless you're thinking about going to work for a law firm there after 2020.