The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3894219
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Dec-17 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
I'm not fessing up to My Fitness Pal about the state of my caloric intake today. It was one of those days that I need to declutter via a couple of days of fasting in the coming week. A sandwich before going to an afternoon movie with co-workers (a holiday tradition) and then the temptation of theater food . . .

eBay things are starting to move - several this week, so I need to list more over the weekend. Since friends are coming for lunch on Sunday I'm motivated to vacuum and put out more of the ornaments for the house. If it warms up a bit I need to work on the area in front of the porch, where those broken concrete pavers will go. Down here we don't expect to be covered with a layer of snow, so that kind of work can happen year-round. There is never a shortage of stuff to do around here.

The bin where I collect items to donate is full, so that's another trip, along with recycling the paper buildup. Charmion, I had a whole bunch of coffee mugs and decided to take the extras to work and add to the community kitchen. Some of them disappeared because people liked them and took them home, but I still see a few floating around the office. At least they're getting used.