The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3894437
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
17-Dec-17 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Beaver: (14 December)
The signal here is SO iffy! I lost the last post even though I copied it, in case. I gave up and turned off the computer ready for trip to Montreal and when I turned it back on, no copy. So writing this as draft email; they do not get lost. Have not had a signal since 10th. Tech support cannot help. I need a different system; this is de-cluttering my wallet and cluttering my brain.

The trip to Montreal is put off to tomorrow due to minus 26 C this am and a DEAD battery! Not even a whisper. My neighbour tried but DEAD! So, plan D, called friends who always say, "call us if you need..." It took over two hours. Carol, wisely, stayed home. Yes, it was dead. So dear John took out the old one - with great difficulty, and we drove to Canadian Tire (about 6 minutes.). They tested it; definitely need new one. Purchased it and we drove back. It took him about an hour, again, and a trip home for something to help the job. A retired engineer, he is meticulous about doing the best possible job. I wonder what I can ever do to return this incredible favour. They will soon be leaving to winter in southern Texas. I am sure they are preparing their house here for its lonely winter.

The last time this happened - in the mid-80s - I was able to remove the battery, hitch into town (5 miles) get a new one and hitch back, install it and - Voila! Nice little Datsun.

While I waited for John and while he was working, I brought in lots of firewood!

By this time is was after 1 pm and I went to town (4 minutes) and picked up newspapers, went to Community Care and read onto computer, went to the "Family Health Team" office and turned in my application to have a doctor, nice chat with his super nice receptionist. I might need a doctor someday so I thought I had best take this opportunity, for which I have waited several months. He is young; I hope he is willing to learn. I shall put off meeting him as long as possible.

I got here on 5th and did laundry but not much else. It is fairly tidy but could use vacuuming; maybe before I leave in the am. Geez, I was doing so well getting ready this am, was right on time - and then... tried to start car... But now I can get an early start and get into city before rush hour and find my way through the construction on the highway - due for another year or two but changing almost daily - while it is still light.

I did phone R this am and told him, "My car won't start! I need you to come right now..." Joking of course; our house guest had gotten that call from wife on a Gulf island (BC) about two weeks ago so he left a week earlier than planned. She did get a mechanic to fix car. The situation required a lengthy one on one therapy session with him; R said I did a good job! He has elephant ears.