The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30254   Message #389469
Posted By: Owlkat
03-Feb-01 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Toilet humour???
Subject: RE: BS: Toilet humour???
Hi, I have to admit to having done my share of leaving the seat up, but I have never done that since my then-wife got up in the middle of the night for a visit to the loo, and, not turning on the light, as usual, fell in the bowl. At the time, I was vaguely awake and then I heard a sort of squawk and a splash. There was a moment or two of ominous silence, and then in a damp a frosty voice she told me to put the seat down. I've never forgotten that night and ever since I've made sure the seat and lid are down and ready.I doubt that put the final coffin nail into our marriage, though. I've heard of women who have threatened to put kitty litter around the toilet bowl if their men didn't start using a seated posture, or started to share the cleaning duties in the bathroom. One more toilet thought. There is an eastern superstition that an open toilet bowl lid lets bad spirits into the house and leaks good luck down the pipe and out of the house. Cheer. Owl