The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163316   Message #3895265
Posted By: Mr Red
22-Dec-17 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: anyone recognise these words?
Subject: RE: BS: anyone recognise these words?
one for his nob
My grandfather used to say that when playing crib, it would be at the end of a count-up and had some obscure rule that I had to look up

One for his nob: One point for holding the jack of the same suit as the start card.
two for his heels I never heard of. fifteen, two & fifteen four I remember as part of the counting mantra.

Beddytwine: I collected a selection of creepers and asked the dear old lady and she did think Old Mans Beard was the one. Some other old folk that gather at a restaurant nearby were not so sure, one was adamant it was not beddytwine. However when I re-visited the text to read (rather than proof-read) it went to the effect

making ourselves sick smoking beddytwine (as kids mind you). And likewise one of the cafe crowd confirmed he used Old Man's Beard to smoke it as a kid. He was local born and bred too.

I am off to Coaley Woods to see if I can identify the creepers they swung on "Tarzan" stylee. But maybe another day - it is raining today.
The GF reckons Old Man's Beard can grow large if left unchecked - like in a Wood. It may be that beddytwine is a more generic term, or kids assumed the two things were related.