The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163370   Message #3896624
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Dec-17 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: Retire 'Auld Lang Syne' - use what song instead?
Subject: Retire 'Auld Lang Syne' - use what song instead?
This story played on National Public Radio this morning: Twitter Wants To Help You Welcome 2018 With One Climactic Musical Moment.

Guy Lombardo's "Auld Lang Syne" may be "traditional" - it's a dated twentieth century affectation that is fine when I rewatch The Apartment on New Year's Eve, but I like the Phil Collins suggestion and others that followed.

What do you/would you choose to bring in the New Year?

Edited to name the ubiquitous performance of this song.