The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163370   Message #3896873
Posted By: Mr Red
02-Jan-18 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Retire 'Auld Lang Syne' - use what song instead?
Subject: RE: Retire 'Auld Lang Syne' - use what song instead?
Well If you want a new song to welcome the new year, how is that going to encourage us to make physical contact with others? The song is purely a vehicle for a concept.
The concept is to commune, reboot the relationships. And you ain'ta gonna make much communion without at least holding hands.
My New Year was a gathering with ceilidh dancing and silly games and a mumming play. At Midnight we did the deed, communed and men shook hands and ladies hugged us. It is an excuse to make physical contact and as we all know it releases those endorphins and oxytocin.
Apart from such hormones being very pleasant they are very good for your health, better than cortisol anyway.

Now all of which could be created with any song, but those proposing a new song will almost certainly miss the need for contact.
The song is just a vehicle, don't lose the concept - it is greater than the parts!

Baby and bathwater?