The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163374   Message #3896947
Posted By: CupOfTea
02-Jan-18 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another year, same old story
Subject: RE: BS: Another year, same old story
Silver lining - hearing from the lovely heart of Senoufou again - a much missed graceful voice.

Getting information about abuse out like this is very much like the #metoo movement, and what the general response to it amounts to is going to be important.
Does it result in a less stigmatized future for those who report abuse, making it easier to stop someone before they make a life career of abuse?
Does it result in accusations being weaponized to deamonize persons & institutions?
Does it create an social environment where scrutiny of the facts comes before instant condemnation?
How are victims best helped to find emotional health for the rest of their lives?

That higher-ups in the Catholic Church can harbor known abusers is beyond wrong, and has driven more people away from the comfort of religion than if they'd been upfront, defrocked and prosecuted each case. In my own diocese, this was dealt with a bit better than some - I was shocked that the sweet young priest who'd celebrated my wedding was one of those who was removed from the priesthood for abuse.

I grieve for all the victims, including those innocent, holy, and loving priests and teachers who care for children, but must be ever vigilant that they never be alone with one, must be cautious about hugs, be denied the kind of comforting touch that should be natural.

Joanne in Cleveland