The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163386   Message #3897470
Posted By: Senoufou
05-Jan-18 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
Subject: RE: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
I suppose giving the homeless some money might be a bad idea, as they could spend it on drink or drugs. The prisoners I worked with told me that's what the aim was - to beg for enough cash to buy a wrap of heroin.
We think that a hot drink and some food could help them a little, and do no harm, so we do that when we can.
I admire your boss Joe, the nun who took her protege Kevin home for a hot bath and a meal. Very practical Christianity in action! Like the Salvation Army, who do a lot in this field.

I think the most important thing is people's attitude to the homeless and to beggars. Some people attack them, spit on them and shout abuse.
In my view they have enough to suffer without such cruel and uncalled-for behaviour. I sometimes wonder where compassion went...