The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163386   Message #3897694
Posted By: Iains
06-Jan-18 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
Subject: RE: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
"THe greatest and longest standing cop-out of any government, past and present to explain away their inability or unwillingness to live up to their responsibilities is to describe them as "complicated"
Governments are supposed to exhibit fiscal responsibility. Endless borrowing has consequences. There is no magic wand!

"Blaming the homeless for their own plight is inhuman and disgusting"
Who has done that????????????????????????????

"The overwhelming cause of homelessness today is down to the fact that homes have been priced out of the reach of many working and unemployed people"
After the credit crunch, house prices in many countries, such as the US and Spain fell dramatically. But, in the UK, the drop in house prices has been more muted. This is because the UK never had a boom in house building like other countries.
Housing completions have fallen close to 100,000 a year – well below the level (of 250,000) needed to meet the growth in the number of households. Over the last four quarters to Q3 2013, new build starts have averaged just 22,000 per quarter.
Is the above purely due to incompetance/unwillingness etc. of successive governments Labour, conservative coalition.

It is far more complex than that. Take a look at nimbys, lack of incentive for the private sector, sale of public housing, green belt restrictions-the list is endless.

Once again your cheap shots are largely baseless.