The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163386   Message #3897817
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Jan-18 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
Subject: RE: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
"The answer to all economic problems is growth."

Well yes, if you're a paid-up member of the capitalist system. But if you're disabled, or a pensioner on the state provision only (just about the worst in Europe, but hey), or unemployed, or homeless, or on zero-hours, or if you can't afford your rent control-free rent, or if you rely on food banks or on selling the Big Issue, economic growth will not give you any answers at all. But, of course, that wouldn't really worry you Tories.

"Today the bulk of our spending is on ourselves, the NHS, Education and Welfare. There is no spare."

Oh, there's plenty of spare. But we choose to give that spare to people who are already as rich as Croesus, the offshore tax-evaders, the non-doms, the shareholders who make money (not earn money) without ever getting off their fat arses and the multinationals who hold us to ransom by demanding low corporation tax. If only we clawed back that spare, we would have tbe best health service and education service and welfare provision on planet Earth. Still, you won't like that. It simply isn't the Tory way.