The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163374   Message #3898475
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Jan-18 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another year, same old story
Subject: RE: BS: Another year, same old story
"Singling out only one group for criticism while ignoring all others however bad is bigotry."
And hiding behind the fact that "others do it" to defend it is gross hypocrisy
We deal with Christianity because that is what effects us, living in a so called 'Christian' country - it was Christians that committed these horrific crimes and it was the Christian Church which facilitated and defended it - on an international scale as it has been revealed
This has never been an attack on the religion or on Chrstions per se, as you persistently claim
It is an exposé of the criminal clergy and the criminal hierarchy who covered up their criminality and passed them on to other parishes and eventually other countries so they were able to continue to rape and abuse children
THey still keep the bulk of those details hidden
No other religion has ever behaved in that manner
Jim Carroll