The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163374   Message #3898576
Posted By: keberoxu
10-Jan-18 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another year, same old story
Subject: RE: BS: Another year, same old story
Said it yesterday, bears repeating today:

Carry on, if you wish, with that which fuels your fire.
My series of posts need not concern you,
as I'm not interested in getting personal.

Bit of a lost cause, this is.
The Rev. Kevin Annett, THAT's the correct spelling of his real name.
My posts of 9 January consistently misspell his last name as Arnett, and that is incorrect.
But who cares ... maybe Kevin Annett cares, maybe his father William S. Annett cares,
but their years in the public eye, and their messages and what they have to say,
never mind what has been done to others,
none of that interests in the slightest
those of you who are busy dancing the dance with each other.
Why do I even bother.

Maybe the Annett noises interest Raggytash a little bit.
Everyone else has better things to do.

After my two posts on this subject -- misspelled names and all --
my online searches continued apace.
I found some things that made me freeze.
And it wasn't what you think.
It wasn't the topics on which Kevin Annett has raised his voice since roughtly 1995.

It was the relationship between a father in his eighties,
and his adult son.
That absolutely hit me where it hurts.
It hit home harder than all of the stories about Canadian atrocities.
Because, as I said before,
but for the grace of ***, there go I.

That father-son pairing, the things they say about each other and the world they live in,
on line and for everybody else to read,
there is much to ponder there.
Would a separate thread be better suited to such disclosures?
Why bother posting any of it here?